
Techtextil 2017 arrive et Up Solutions est prête !
Techtextil est le principal salon international des textiles techniques et non tissés et se déroule en parallèle avec Texprocess, un événement important lié au traitement des textiles et des matériaux flexibles. Up Solutions sera présent à Techtextil 2017, du 9 au 12 mai à Francfort-sur-le-Main, pour présenter la Just MES Suite améliorée et rencontrer les meilleurs acteurs du secteur. Nous serons présents sur le stand 3.0 F12, prêts à vous expliquer comment participer au processus [...]
Kordsa Global Shopfloor Project: another great success for Up Solutions!
Roncoroni S.p.A. augmente sa productivité avec Just Suite
“TEX INNOVATION” speaks about UP Solutions
September issue of the periodical “Tex Innovation” ( dedicated two pages to Up Solutions and PA Group in the setting of innovation in data gathering and management in production processes. Starting points of the piece are the experience and the work developed by the two firms on Phifer Inc., the American company, established in 1952 in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, and nowadays representing the world’s largest producer of aluminium and fiberglass insect screening products with offices in US, India and Asia. PA and Up Solutions [...]
24 September 2015
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Techtextil NA 2015
Up Solutions ed il suo partner americano PA USA si è messa in viaggio per Houston, TX per partecipare alla già anticipata esposizione Techtextil North America 2015. Alcuni di noi hanno volato, altri hanno guidato (Chattanooga-Houston è un lungo viaggio), ma tutti abbiamo voluto essere sicuri di partecipare a questo primario evento focalizzato alla presentazione delle più recenti ed avanzate novità del tessuto tecnico. Ospitato presso il  George R. Brown Convention Center ed in contemporanea con la fiera del [...]
Techtextil NA 2015 Highlights
Up Solutions and his american partner PA USA made its way to Houston, TX for the much anticipated Techtextil North America 2015 trade show. Some of us flew and some of us drove (Chattanooga to Houston is a LONG drive), but we all made sure to be at this premier event focused on showcasing the latest and greatest in the world of technical textiles and nonwovens. Held at the George R. Brown Convention Center and [...]